You watched Amaretto Adriatico and Mamma Mia Limoncello on Sunday on M6.
We told you the original stories of Amaretto ADRIATICO AND MAMMA MIA! original stories live from Puglia, Italia, in an exclusive M6 reportage.
We had the pleasure to appear on the "GRAND FORMAT 66 minutes", presented by Xavier de Moulins, to make you discover our production in Puglia. Live this adventure with the founders of ADRIATICO AND MAMMA MIA for a total immersion in the Italian know-how and authenticity.
This is your time to learn mire about us and our work ! Light on how our lemons are raised and harvested in the gargano park, in Puglia. The scenic Trabucco da Mimi in Peschici is also part of the reportage. Fresh fishes are caught and fantastic cocktails are created just in front of the ADRIATIC sea.